I truly do love quotes. What encouragement I get from the penned words of others who have gone before me! That is, others who are willing to be honest with me about themselves. In their vulnerability I connect with them. In their confessions I hear myself. And through their openness I find encouragement to keep on keeping on!
The following words by E.B. Pussey were quoted in Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot:
Whatever thy grief or trouble be, take every drop in thy cup from the had of Almighty God. He with whom "the hairs of they head are all numbered," knoweth every throb of thy brow, each hardly drawn breath, each shoot of pain, each beating of the fevered pulse, each sinking of the aching heart. Receive then, what are trials to thee, not in the main only, but one by one, from His all-loving hands; thank His love for each; unite each with the sufferings of thy Redeemer; pray that He will thereby hallow them to thee. Thou wilt not know now what He thereby will work in thee; yet, day by day, shalt thou receive the impress of the likeness of the ever-blessed Son, and in thee, too, while thou knowest it now, God shall be glorified.
You are a star in my most recent post. I love you...